
Thank you to these God. vs The Patriarchy Patreon supporters!
Grocery Club – 2 anonymous
Web Hosting Club: 3 anonymous
Babysitter Club: 4 anonymous

I love being able to share my faith and learning journey with you all, and I hope you’re enjoying (and learning from!) what you find here.  It takes time and money, both of which are in short supply for a farm mom!  By contributing, you help off-set the costs associated with writing: hosting the website, purchasing research material not available at the library, the hours logged early in the morning and late at night…Your donations do double duty, too! I tithe 10% of all donations to different charities, listed below.

Charities supported in 2020:

Single-time donations are best done through Venmo to GodvsthePatriarchy (just make a note that it is for the blog). If you are more comfortable sending a check, please send them to:

God vs. The Patriarchy
c/o Sylvanaqua Farms
106 Castle Dr
Montross, VA 22520

Recurring support can be done through Patreon.  I have support levels starting at $3 a month!  For $9 a month, you get a yearly birthday shout-out, and for $12 a month, you help direct content and tithing!

Thank you all so much!